a few notes before your fresh 48 session

~ Your fresh 48 session will ideally happen within 48 hours of your baby’s birth and will take place at the hospital, birth centre, or at home!

~ The best time for your fresh 48 session is during the daylight hours. For these sessions we’ll be embracing the natural light to create those timeless memories. Hospital lighting is not great, so we’ll turn off those lights and open the blinds to get as much natural light as we can. We’ll place babe’s bassinet by the window for a few photos and then I’ll position you for any family photos where you are getting the best natural light.

~ Try to feed babe shortly before our session. This ensures baby has a full belly and will be happy and cooperative for us! If you would like any feeding/nursing pictures, we absolutely can do this at the beginning of the session…so hold off feeding babe until I get there and we’ll get some feeding/nursing pics done first!

~ If possible, turn up the heat! Babies are so much happier in a warm environment and will allow for them to be comfortable for any naked photos.

~ What to wear? That is up to you! You can opt for the hospital gown, or bring your own robe or outfit. Same for babe, you can use the hospital blankets, or pack his/her own personal outfit!

~ Fresh 48 sessions typically last between 30-60 minutes. I fully understand your need for privacy & quiet while you adjust to your new life, so I will try to be quick! Providing me with a list of any shots you would like will help too!

~ Relax and try to enjoy this session. That being said, hair & make-up and coordinating outfits are definitely not a necessity, the more natural/raw, the better!

~ What happens if your baby is in the NICU? We can do one of two things: we can do a NICU Fresh 48 if hospital visitor policies allow or we can switch to an in-home newborn session when everyone is at home!

~ Keeping your environment calm and peaceful is a priority! I would like to mention that I have my RN and previously worked as a postpartum nurse. I have witnessed many births & have helped postpartum moms in exactly the position you are in. I also fully understand if you need to cancel your session due to birth trauma or any other circumstance.

~ Please reach out if you have any other questions! Check out my Fresh 48 session below!